Q&A - Kimberley Chloe

21st June 2024

How long have you been running?

I have been running on and off for almost 10 years, however that changed when I started the KUHAC couch to 5K in summer 2023. Since then I have been running multiple times a week!


What made you start running?

I needed to get more active, I had been to the gym, however staying indoors didn’t appeal to me, especially after being inside all day at work. As I already had a pair of trainers, I had everything I needed to start running and before even finishing the C25K, the ability to socialise with a group of likeminded people whilst running really sold it to me.



Biggest running achievement?

Four months after the couch to 5K I took part in my first 10K as a regular runner with the club. Phill took it upon himself to support me throughout the race, encouraging me to set a goal of finishing under 1 Hour 20 minutes. It might not be very quick for some of the more seasoned runners but it would have to be my fastest run if I was to finish in time. I couldn’t have been happier when I crossed the finish line at 1 hour and 14 minutes.


 Three things about me: 

  1. I’m a secondary school maths teacher.
  2. I’m a big fan of Nintendo and playing Nintendo Switch Games.
  3. I love to bake.



Favourite Race:

My favourite race was probably the Doncaster 10K, it was my first real race, the course was flat and being in November, the temperature was perfect for me.



Running goal for 2024/2025:

I would like to complete a half-marathon before the end of 2025.


Running Tip:

Focus on having fun, not having the best times because if you enjoy it you’ll keep running and your times will improve themselves.




Karhu Mestari Run, replacing a very worn pair of Asics.


Favourite Food:

Garlic Bread!


Three celebrities I’d invite to a dinner

Steve Carell, Rainn Wilson and John Krasinski. (I’m a big fan of The Office)



Best thing about being a Kuhac Runner:

Everyone at the club is so friendly and welcoming, I love getting to run with everyone and sharing the highs and lows of running.